X4 Foundations: Why carriers, Shark edition

Описание к видео X4 Foundations: Why carriers, Shark edition

Hello everybody,

Since we have establish, more or less, that the boron fleet strength is fleet combat, goodbye destroyers (since I only need them for station demolition). And if destroyers are bye bye, that also mean that the Aux ship + M ships escort. That leave us with my favorite fleet type in X4, a carrier + S bombers + S interceptors, in this case a Shark + 32 torpedo Irukandji + 32 interceptor Mako. So, here is a demo of that fleet in action, and also a demonstration of the strategic value of a carrier, and why carrier gameplay is my favorite in X4.
You want to deal with that xenon I + Ks friends, and also want to deal with the little swarms near the gates of the sector? Just send the "birds". :D Sure, an Asgard can "zapp" the I and friends, but what about saving that trader harassed by 20 xenon M?...well, good luck getting "the brick" to move, in a timely manner.

Now that the Shark got its anti capital capability, is becoming a contender for the Raptor, as my favorite ship to do multi sectors patrols. I get to bring less birds, but have instant travel drive, instant launch for fighters (w/o being limited to 40 fighters, like in the case of other carriers that have this ability), also, have good shields that can take a beating.

As for the clip, there were some, not so shining moments, like the good ol' fighters cliping through the texture of capital ships (also the reason for which, I had cliping bug induced "courage" to stay and eat graviton fire from the K sitting in top of the Shark). Welp, we can't have all I guess...

About me:
I like to share my X4 Foundations experiences, some because they are really amazing, some because they are really anoying.

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