Day 1 Yuumi Midscope | Tips, Tricks, and Analysis

Описание к видео Day 1 Yuumi Midscope | Tips, Tricks, and Analysis

The Yuumi midscope update has arrived to translate the least healthy enchanter in League of Legends into something more sustainable that properly unlocks her unique concept. However, the new Yuumi also appears to have her own overwhelming strengths that may break the game once explored.

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0:00 - Introduction
0:43 - Ability Overview
3:39 - Ability Usage and Laning
5:51 - Skill Point Distribution
6:45 - Purpose and Playstyle
8:16 - Matchups and Counterpicks
9:29 - Potential Best Friends (Synergies)
10:41 - Alternate Roles
10:58 - Itemization
12:00 - Runes and Summoner Spells
12:52 - Conclusions

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