Home Recording: Three Types of Mics for Recording Acoustic Guitar

Описание к видео Home Recording: Three Types of Mics for Recording Acoustic Guitar

This is a simple comparison of 3 different types of mics that you might consider for recording acoustic guitar. While most people recommend condenser mics, dynamic and ribbon mics also have potential. In this case, I'm using the very common Shure SM57 dynamc mics, a pair of Schoeps condenser mics, and an AEA N22 ribbon mic.

Note that, in an effort to only change one variable in these comparisons, I'm placing all mics in the same location, with the same mic configuration. But in reality, there are infinite variations possible. One mic or another might shine when placed differently, or when used in a different mic configuration (XY, ORTF, MS and so on). And of course, your results may vary, with you playing, your guitar, your room, etc. So just take this comparison as just a single data point!

If anyone wants to try their hand at EQing these tracks - everyone's taste is different, of course! - here are the raw un-eq's tracks:



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