Potter Jr. High Exercise 9-5 Zak's Programming with Microsoft Visual Basic 2019/2022

Описание к видео Potter Jr. High Exercise 9-5 Zak's Programming with Microsoft Visual Basic 2019/2022

Create a Windows Forms application. Use the following names for the project and solution, respectively: Potter Project and Potter Solution. Save the application in the VB9e\Chap09 folder.

The application will display the names of students who have earned the grade selected in a list box. The student names and grades are stored in the NamesAndGrades.txt file. Copy the file from the VB9e\Chap09 folder to the Potter Project’s bin\Debug folder. Now, open the NamesAndGrades.txt file. The file contains 15 names and 15 grades. Close the NamesAndGrades.txt window.

Create the interface shown in Figure 9-37. Use the String Collection Editor to enter the five grades in the lstGrades control. Change the lstNames control’s SelectionMode and Sorted properties to None and True, respectively.

Code the Exit button’s Click event procedure.

The first item in the lstGrades control should be selected when the interface appears. Code the appropriate procedure.

The contents of the lstNames and lblNumber controls should be cleared when a different grade is selected in the lstGrades control. Code the appropriate procedure.

The Display button should display the names of students who have earned the grade selected in the lstGrades control. It should also display the number of students who have earned that grade. Code the appropriate procedure.

Save the solution and then start and test the application.


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