പഴുതുകൾ ഇല്ലാത്ത കൊലപാതകം പക്ഷേ ദൈവം അവശേഷിപ്പിച്ച അദൃശ്യമായ തെളിവ് ?|BS CHANDRA MOHAN|Mlife Daily

Описание к видео പഴുതുകൾ ഇല്ലാത്ത കൊലപാതകം പക്ഷേ ദൈവം അവശേഷിപ്പിച്ച അദൃശ്യമായ തെളിവ് ?|BS CHANDRA MOHAN|Mlife Daily

Real story of a perfect plan

JLeopold and Loeb put their plan in motion on the afternoon of May 21, 1924.

Using an automobile that Leopold rented under the name Morton D. Ballard, they offered Franks a ride as he walked home from school.

The boy initially refused, because his destination was less than two blocks away, but Loeb persuaded him to enter the car to discuss a tennis racket that he had been using.

The precise sequence of the events that followed remains in dispute, but a preponderance of opinion placed Leopold behind the wheel of the car while Loeb sat in the back seat with the chisel.

to know the balance watch video..


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