Rust for Networks | MAC Address viewer | Rust Language

Описание к видео Rust for Networks | MAC Address viewer | Rust Language

In this video I discuss a mini project I built to allow a user to find a MAC address of their hardware. It takes human input, but could be modified to be used in an automated process. I discuss the Linux /sys/class/net directory and files and cover the key features of the code + do a demonstration.

The OSI 7 layer model :

The code is here :
Please feel free to comment/modify/improve it.
This is a starter project and will evolve (hopefully).

- chapters -
00:00 intro - MAC addresses
02:57 Rust Crash Course
06:08 Linux sys/class/net
10:56 compile from neovim
15:21 wlo1 address
20:00 Tabby (a tip/fix)

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