5 Words That Will Improve Your Ability to Receive Feedback

Описание к видео 5 Words That Will Improve Your Ability to Receive Feedback

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5 Words That Will Improve Your Ability to Receive Feedback - Leadership Development Tips

What normally happens inside of you when some says: “I have some feedback for you?” Do you freeze up and prepare to hear something bad?

If you’re like most of us, you’re immediate reaction is to go into DEFENSIVE MODE.

In this video, I’m sharing how you can HEAR and MORE EFFECTIVELY USE THE FEEDBACK that you get.

As I said, if you’re like most of us then you’re immediate reaction is to defend.

As you can imagine, when you’re in DEFENSIVE MODE 2 things happen:

1. You’re not able to HEAR what they have to say because you’re protecting yourself

2. You’re more likely to SHUT THE PERSON DOWN

In this video, I want to teach you a VERY SIMPLE leadership technique of what to say when someone is providing you feedback.

These 5 words will set you up to RECEIVE and USE the feedback you hear.


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