和朝食から始まる夫婦2人ご飯 l 作り置き活用 l 丁寧な暮らし l A meal for two couples starting with a Japanese breakfast

Описание к видео 和朝食から始まる夫婦2人ご飯 l 作り置き活用 l 丁寧な暮らし l A meal for two couples starting with a Japanese breakfast


●銀鱈と鮭の西京焼き&オクラのお浸し → 柳瀬和之 / 萌黄釉タタラ長角皿
●三つ葉とカニカマの卵焼き → 柳瀬和之 / 曇天釉掛け分け豆皿
●ゴーヤの漬物 → 横田翔太郎 / 豆皿つる草泉山釉 / 豆皿スミレ泉山釉
●冬瓜の海老あんかけ → 境知子 / 白磁スクエア皿
●ご飯 → 額賀円也 / 刷毛目飯椀
●味噌汁 → 木工椀
●お茶 → 石川硝子工藝舎・石川昌浩 / 倉敷硝子 / 筒型コップ
●お盆 → 高塚和則 / さくら角盆

●鰤のレッドカレー炒め → 柳瀬和之 / 曇天釉8寸浅鉢
●海老と玉ねぎのかき揚げ → 柳瀬和之 / 曇天釉足付角鉢
●オクラの出汁浸し → 柳瀬和之 / 萌黄釉足付長角鉢
●夏野菜と香味醤油漬け → 柳瀬和之 / 萌黄釉5.5寸中鉢
●卵焼き → 柳瀬和之 / 曇天釉5寸中鉢
●かぼちゃのサラダ → 柳瀬和之 / 萌黄釉4.5寸ゆがみ小鉢
●ゴーヤの漬物 → 柳瀬和之 / 萌黄釉指折り小鉢
●ごぼう入り青じそつくね & きのこの炊き込みご飯 → 柳瀬和之 / 萌黄釉タタラ長角皿
●里芋と舞茸の柚子胡椒和え → 柳瀬和之 / 萌黄釉5寸輪花鉢
●イチジク → 柳瀬和之 / 曇天釉4.5寸ゆがみ小鉢
●取り皿 → 柳瀬和之 / 曇天釉6寸ドラ皿
●ビール → 鷲塚貴紀 / 足付グラス(ロング)

 ロボットパンダ ヘイジーIPA (北海道 / えぞ麦酒株式会社)



Japanese breakfast is a favorite of both husband and wife.
Rice, miso soup, and grilled fish for breakfast is a great combination.
I want to eat well and make the most of the day!
During the day on such a day, I had time to make some meal preps and we had a toast together while waiting for my husband to come home.
Please take a look at our casual daily life.

🍽Dishes and Plates of the Day
*Saikyo yaki of codfish and salmon with soaked okra → Kazuyuki Yanase / Tatara long rectangular plate with mellow yellow glaze
*Japanese omelet with mitsuba and crab fishcake → Kazuyuki Yanase / Mame-dish with cloudy glaze
*Pickled bitter gourd → Shotaro Yokota / Mame-dish, vine and grass, Izumiyama glaze / Mame-dish, violet, Izumiyama glaze
*Winter melon with shrimp sauce → Tomoko Sakai / White porcelain square dish
*Rice → Enya Nukaga / Brushstroked rice bowl
*Miso soup → Wooden bowls
*Green Tea → Masahiro Ishikawa / Kurashiki Glass / Cylindrical cups
*Tray → Kazunori Koutsuka / Sakura square tray

*Fried yellowtail with red curry → Kazuyuki Yanase / 8” shallow bowl with cloudy glaze
*Fried prawns and onions → Kazuyuki Yanase / Cloudy glazed square bowl with foot
*Soaked okra in soup stock → Kazuyuki Yanase / Long square bowl with foot and cloudy glaze
*Summer vegetables in soy sauce with spices → Kazuyuki Yanase / 5.5” medium bowl with mauve glaze
*Japanese omelet → Kazuyuki Yanase / 5” medium bowl with cloudy glaze
*Pumpkin salad → Kazuyuki Yanase / Mellow yellow glaze 4.5” warped small bowl
*Pickled bitter gourd → Kazuyuki Yanase / Moe yellow glazed small bowl
*Shiso tsukune with burdock root and Rice with mushrooms → Kazuyuki Yanase / Mellow yellow glazed long rectangular dish with cod roe
*Taro and maitake mushroom with yuzu pepper → Kazuyuki Yanase / Mellow yellow glazed 5"-flower bowl
*Fig → Kazuyuki Yanase / Cloudy glaze 4.5” warped small bowl
*Dish → Kazuyuki Yanase / Cloudy glaze 6 “Dora plate
*Beer → Takanori Washizuka / Glass with feet (long)

🍺Today's beer
 Robot Panda Hazy IPA (Hokkaido / Ezo Beer Co.)

👜Official mail order "Living with Utsuwa" is now selling artist's vessels coordinated by Life with Utsuwa!
 The tableware used today is also for sale.
 We also update our news and Blog from time to time, so please visit us.

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