Google Ads Extensions - Sitelinks and Callouts Complete Tutorial

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Google Extensions.... extend your ads! And boost ad relevance!
That's is pretty simple, but why do we need to you them exactly?
A lot of reasons for that: starting from making your statement bold and ending with Quality Score. Everything is very depending on each other.

What extensions you should know? It's easy, all of them:
1. Site Links (must have!)
2. Callouts (must have!)
3. Structured Snippets
4. Price extensions
5. Promotion Extensions
6. Address Extensions
7. Message Extensions
8. App Extensions

At least first 2 (better 3) should be in your account in any case. But it's actually good to play around with all of them. Create them on account or campaign level and test!

Things to remember:
1. People love numbers (32 Colors to choose from, 137 Models in Stock,...)
2. People love benefits (20% only today/this model/..., Save time, Save Money)
3. People love identification (for businessmen, for parents, for women, for ...)

Have question? Don't know what works for you? ask in comments!

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