Quiz Whiz Junior(Ep.11) Pundang, Sinchon, Buksung, Buhyundong Elementary School _ Full Episode

Описание к видео Quiz Whiz Junior(Ep.11) Pundang, Sinchon, Buksung, Buhyundong Elementary School _ Full Episode

분당, 신천, 북성, 부현동 초등학교

When general knowledge meets English! Enough with boring English!
"Quiz Whiz Junior," the English quiz variety show where learning becomes fun!

Thrilling suspense awaits as Korea's finest youngsters duke it out!
Who shall emerge victorious in this battle of wits and flair?

[This week's contestants]
"One for all, and all for one! Here come the Quizketeers!"- 4 Quizketeers
These students from Pundang Elementary take pride in their friendship and their solidarity! They also have quite the resume under their belt: one of them previously participated in an international English contest, while another has lived abroad for over 10 years! Will their experience and fellowship suffice to go all the way?

"Let us fulfill our dream and claim victory!" Do Dream
With the only male participant in their ranks, these dreamers from Sinchon Elementary already stand out! A little anxious given their first ever appearance in such a quiz show, they are still determined to overcome their nerves and ride to victory! In the end, will they manage to fulfill their dream and become this week's champions?

"We shall be the dominant force of this show, and emerge victorious!" - N-Star
Apparently, the North Star symbolizes Seoul Buksung Elementary. Like the brightest star that has guided travelers for times immemorial, these young competitors are aspiring to irradiate this contest with their brilliance! Will the North Star guide them on their quest for glory?

"No matter how slow the start is, as long as we cross the line first!" - SUN
Patience and perseverance certainly seem to be inherent qualities at Inchon Buhyundong Elementary! No matter how many times they fall, these resilient souls always seem to pick themselves up! Refusing to give in to panic or discouragement, this team is determined to grind their way to the finish line! Will their abnegation pay off?

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