Does your Dog have a UTI? 3 Symptoms to look for with Dr. Dan.

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Hi Everyone!

My name is Dan, and I am a veterinarian. Today I am covering the three most common symptoms I see or hear about at home when a dog has a UTI or urinary tract infection or bladder infection.

The dog UTI or urinary tract infection is very common. As a veterinarian I see UTIs in the doggy on a daily basis. The most important thing is going to your vet to get it diagnosed and treated.

1) A dog with a UTI may have irregular and frequent urination. This means the dog my stop and go with urinating outside. The dog will usually not empty their urinary bladder completely. A dog with a urinary tract infection may also urinate inside or in abnormal locations.

2) A dog with a UTI or urinary tract infection may also have blood in the urine. This is from the inflammation and infection leading to bloody urine. Most owners noticed this right away, because they will see a pink color of urine on the carpet or floor when they clean up the urine with a paper towel.

3) A dog may also have very abnormal looking urine that is cloudy or dark or has a funny smell.

The vet will diagnose the UTI with a urinalysis or urine culture. The veterinarian will start the dog on an antibiotic. Base on the type of bacteria, the veterinarian will pick an antibiotic or duration of treatment.

Disclaimer: This video does not replace veterinary care. This video is only for educational and entertainment purposes. Always go see your local veterinarian if your pet is sick.


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