T002 - Bay Brill Witts - Memories of North Yonge - Part 1/3

Описание к видео T002 - Bay Brill Witts - Memories of North Yonge - Part 1/3

This is an early 1990s version of the Toronto Yonge Line video on our website.

GPS VIDEO highlights 100 years of trolley service on the Yonge line, featuring early 1920’s black and white film, as well as John Mills and Lewis Swanson’s 1950’s color 8mm film of the last days of the trailer trains. Also included is color film of the early days of Yonge subway service, and Toronto’s Gloucester subway cars are seen on a 1990 farewell charter. Ray Corley, transportation consultant and former motormen provides recollections of Toronto’s transportation history.

Yonge Street was one of Toronto’s first horse car lines to be converted to electric street cars in 1890. GPS VIDEO highlights 100 years of trolley service on the Yonge line, featuring early 1920’s black and white film, as well as John Mills and Lewis Swanson’s 1950’s color 8mm film of the last days of the trailer trains. Also included is color film of the early days of Yonge subway service, and Toronto’s Gloucester subway cars are seen on a 1990 farewell charter. Ray Corley, transportation consultant and former motormen provides recollections of Toronto’s transportation history. Narrated by Ray Neilson 60 minutes ©1991


Copyright GPS VIdeo 1990

Produced by Ray Neilson. Narration by Ray Corley and Ray Neilson.

Film by John Mils, Lewis Swanson.


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