What is a Type 2 Hypervisor?

Описание к видео What is a Type 2 Hypervisor?

A Type 2 Hypervisor, also known as a hosted hypervisor, is a piece of software that runs on top of an existing operating system. It allows you to create and manage virtual machines without the need to modify or replace your host operating system.
In other words, it's like a virtualization layer that sits on top of your regular OS, enabling you to run multiple virtual machines within it.
Type 2 Hypervisors are incredibly versatile, and they have several real-world applications.
1. Development and Testing: Software developers can use Type 2 Hypervisors to test their applications on different operating systems without the need for separate physical machines.
2. Training and Education: In educational settings, instructors can set up virtual labs for students to experiment with various environments, safely and efficiently.
Isolation: If you want to run an application that may be risky or incompatible with your primary operating system, a Type 2 Hypervisor can provide isolation and security.
4. Cross-Platform Compatibility: Whether you're a Mac user needing Windows for specific tasks or vice versa, a Type 2 Hypervisor can bridge the gap.
There are several Type 2 Hypervisors available in the market. Some of the most popular ones include: Oracle VirtualBox, VMware Workstation, Parallels Desktop (for Mac users)


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