NV Energy's increased service charge proposal sparks more outrage against utility in Reno

Описание к видео NV Energy's increased service charge proposal sparks more outrage against utility in Reno

By Michelle Baker

Activists, advocates and community leaders gathered at the Washoe County Commission Chambers on Thursday to protest NV Energy's latest rate-increase proposal. The proposal, filed in February of this year, would increase the basic service rate — the fixed monthly rate that all residential customers pay — from $16.50 to $45.30 for residents in Northern Nevada.

NV Energy representatives said the increase is to average consumer's monthly bills and consumers will not, in the end, will not be paying more. The increase is drawing considerable concern. A protest was held against the utility company in late April. 

Carla Sanchez, a youth organizer with Make the Road Nevada, said on Thursday that her family is already struggling with the high costs of living and the impacts of inflation. She said she doesn't know how she will budget for increasing bills. 

“This [increase] isn't just a number. It's a decision that forces us to choose between paying for basic necessities or keeping the AC on,” she said. “Why is a system in place that punishes the average family while allowing profits to soar?”


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