Turnabout Academy Uncut (Objection.lol)

Описание к видео Turnabout Academy Uncut (Objection.lol)

Alternate title 'Turnabout Bondage.' But I can't use that title because YouTube would send me to my room. And I don't like it in there. It only has one window. That's not enough of a view to take in the radiating beauty of the canon Ace Attorney pairing known as Justicykes. This video shouldn't even be public. It's a private joke between the members of the Justicykes fan club. It only consists of two members, but it's the greatest fan club of all because it represents and exposes the undeniable truth of Apollo Justice's and Athena Cykes's romantic involvement with one another. And they did everything they could to hide it. Until their romantic tension got so out of control that they made a comedic display of themselves during a trial, sending the gallery into roars of laughter and stares of confusion, simultaneously embarrassing their mentor and father figure, Phoenix Wright. This is what really happened during that trial. I know. Pkmnacezelda knows. Now you will all know. April 17th is Justicykes Day.
Hashtag Keywords because YouTube says you don't need them in the description because of the tag option in the video creator but I don't believe them

#justicykes #apollojusticeaceattorney #phoenixwright #phoenixwrightaceattorney #amv #ship #shipping #romance #objectionlol #dualdestinies #spiritofjustice


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