Media Representation of Crime & Criminal Justice System - PMS/CSS Criminology

Описание к видео Media Representation of Crime & Criminal Justice System - PMS/CSS Criminology

In this Sir Mushahid Haider discuss the following topics of Criminology based on CSS/PMS outlined by PPSC. In this series of 4th section/4th Section of Criminology lectures sir will discuss the following topics orderly as Terrorism, Radicalism & War on terror, Media representation of Crime & Criminal Justice system, Modern law enforcement & Crime Prevention as Intelligence Led policing, Community Policing, Private Public Relationships , Gender and crime in Urban & Rural Pakistan, Crime and Urbanization, Organized crimes and white collar crimes, Human Rights Abuses & Protections, Humans Rights of Women/Children/Minorities. He also discussed Role of Civil Societies/ NGOs, Money Laundering , Cyber Crimes & Role of NAB/FIA/ANF.
But in this video Mushahid Haider provided video lecture Media Representation of Crime & Criminal Justice System of CSS/PMS criminology, as Punitive Justice System, Positive role by media: awareness, Counselling, Promotion of compliant behavior, Negative Portrayal of criminals . Media also have its negative role as Imitation, Desentization, Criminals tools and techniques explaining, Media temptation for under desires, Portraying incompetence of Police.
#Mediarepresenationofcrime #Criminaljusticesystem # lecturescriminology #SirMushahidhaider #CSS #PMS #CSSpreparations


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