Eternatus VMAX "SHUT DOWN" build : Deck Profile and PTCGO gameplay (Pokemon Darkness Ablaze)

Описание к видео Eternatus VMAX "SHUT DOWN" build : Deck Profile and PTCGO gameplay (Pokemon Darkness Ablaze)

This is late in coming but I was finally able to build my very own Eternatus VMAX deck. I have been able to take first place with this deck on the Standard Tournaments, so I am very proud of this build.

I could say that this is more of a "budget" deck since I am only using a 2-2 line of Eternatus VMAX. However, with Crobat V, I did pull all of those on locked packs so it is doable, you just have to be persistent and hope you pull one.

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00:00 Deck profile
06:31 Eternatus VMAX vs Mew 3 Tag Team (Grass box)
17:06 Eternatus VMAX mirror match 1
30:45 Eternatus VMAX mirror match 2

Note: This is an updated list as of 11/15/20
***** Pokémon Trading Card Game Deck List *****

##Pokémon - 21

1 Absol TEU 88
1 Alolan Meowth CEC 128
4 Crobat V DAA 182
2 Eternatus V DAA 116
2 Galarian Zigzagoon SSH 117
2 Koffing RCL 112
2 Sableye V SSH 120
1 Alolan Persian-GX CEC 129
1 Galarian Linoone SSH 118
2 Galarian Weezing RCL 113
1 Galarian Obstagoon CPA 37
2 Eternatus VMAX DAA 117

##Trainer Cards - 24

2 Cynthia & Caitlin CEC 189
4 Crushing Hammer SSH 159
1 Ordinary Rod SSH 171
4 Piers DAA 165
1 Boss's Orders RCL 154
3 Quick Ball SSH 179
1 Galar Mine RCL 160
1 Black Market {*} TEU 134
2 Professor's Research SSH 178
2 Marnie SSH 169
3 Switch SSH 183

##Energy - 15

2 Capture Energy RCL 171
7 Darkness Energy SWSHEnergy 7
2 Weakness Guard Energy UNM 213
4 Hiding {D} Energy DAA 175

Total Cards - 60

***** Deck List Generated by the Pokémon TCG Online *****


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