Hunter Zolomon Origins - This Psychotic & Sadistic Speedster Keeps The "Time" In His Palm

Описание к видео Hunter Zolomon Origins - This Psychotic & Sadistic Speedster Keeps The "Time" In His Palm

We have come across a lot of enemies who have always been plagued by the idea of destroying everything that a hero holds dear to them. Well, the Flash has also been a victim of villains who have that mindset. Among all his many adversaries, it is time for you to meet the villain who was once a close friend of the Flash.
Hunter Zolomon’s origin is the kind of villain story that we have never seen before. That’s because he did not choose his life as a villain until much later. Following quite a dark and traumatized past life, Hunter gets a chance at a new start. But new beginnings can also always lead to new regrets. His story may leave you torn between sympathizing with him and holding him accountable for betraying Flash.

0:00 Intro
1:13 The Comic Book Origins Introduced Him Very Differently
5:31 He Didn't Have The Best Childhood
08:24 How Did A Good Guy Transform Into A Supervillain?
11:33 Zoom In The Flash Tv Series
15:45 What Makes Zoom So Powerful?


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