Warriors | Gacha Club | GCMV

Описание к видео Warriors | Gacha Club | GCMV

This has a connection to "Everybody wants to rule the World and "Army"


Screenshots: 800-1000
Time Taken: ?
Sub Count: 6,913



There is a war between two being. The humans and... the other being. The other being were just a curse that was casted by a Something Powerful because the humans didn't obey a rule when they asked the sorcerer for help. The curse would make the humans look different and more animal like, so the humans feared it. The humans ended killing most who look like animals at birth, so the Something Power decided to make the other beings look human when they were born and then they would turn into the being. The beings are able to shift back from the two forms, but usually still with one. They can be identified with their dull eyes.

There is no point in the war, but it has been going on for so long they don't know.
The Something Powerful will make many changes in the other being to make sure they are more powerful that humans, so you already know who won thing war.

Also, the person they captured at the end was a noble who joined the war to help others. When humans go to war with the others they wear teal green color and when they go to war with other human kingdoms they go in the kingdom's colors.



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