The Captain's Log Vol. I Indonesia

Описание к видео The Captain's Log Vol. I Indonesia

Through a string of experiences each more wonderful than the next, this trip has taught me more than I ever could have imagined. Traveling through this beautiful country left me feeling unbelievably blessed by the people I met, the places I saw, and the animals I encountered. I was given so much and I did my very best to give back with this short film. I hope you can feel it.

Entering the jungles of Tanjung Puting and getting to meet the Orangutan that have been so brutally effected by our palm oil consumption was by far my favorite part of the trip. As mentioned at the end of the film here are some places to go to learn more about the effects of palm oil and what we can do to help:

The perfect place to start: This video was created by TakePart and does a great job of informing you exactly whats going on:
   • The Problem With Palm Oil | Fight for...  

A more detailed look at things, ways to help, donation options:

Effects on climate change: This is a clip from before the flood, a movie i strongly recommend to all

   • Before The Flood: Leo DiCaprio feeds ...  

Big thanks to Wonderful Indonesia for making this trip happen and to everyone who watched!! I hope you enjoyed it!


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