अटपटे Sentence को Translate करना सीखें। Translation Hindi to English। by Shailesh Sir

Описание к видео अटपटे Sentence को Translate करना सीखें। Translation Hindi to English। by Shailesh Sir

अटपटे Sentence को Translate करना सीखें। Translation Hindi to English। by Shailesh Sir

Hi !
Myself is Shailesh Patel my qualification is M.A. in English and MBA (marketing).

In this Class you will learn how to translate long sentences into English in very easy method. lt is very simple to translate big sentences. this video will help you to recognise the used conjunction in the sentence and help you to separate one sentence from another which will make you are able translate very easily.

#Translatelongsentence #englishgrammar #Boardexam #shaileshsir #englishtrickbyshaileshsir

your queries
1. how to translate big sentence into English
2. how to translate long sentence into English
3. how to make from Hindi to English
4. translation for UP Board exam
5. translation Hindi to English
6.translation English to Hindi

Thanks for watching


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