How to get an A/A* in A Level Maths - My Learning Process from U to A grade (+ Top Revision Tips)

Описание к видео How to get an A/A* in A Level Maths - My Learning Process from U to A grade (+ Top Revision Tips)

In this video we’re going to look at how to get an A in Maths A-Level... well how I did it anyway lol. If you want to know how to get a star in maths a level then, I still believe that you can use the tips and tricks in this video and get your A* (Whilst have not gotten an a* myself. sad face). I mean... I’m positive my process will give you some knowledge on how to get a in maths a level (at least) if you put in the work and all that jazz but, whether or not you’re aiming for an A or an A*, I wish you all the best in your revision!

Knowing how to revise maths a level is essential so that you’re able to not waste time in your revision just mindlessly just taking notes and doing random questions. Maths revision should be more proactive than that and yeah, it’s hard work ngl, especially at A-Level. A-Level Maths Revision in general should be proactive, you should be working on your weaknesses and you should try your best to not procrastinate or leave maths revision to the last minute... that’ll be disastrous, trust me...

Hopefully by the end of this video you should get a better idea on what maths a level revision looks like (Well from my point of view anyway), and hopefully inspire you to get high grades so you can apply to the University of your dreams, and find a way which best suits you to revise maths! :)

Comment below your story on how you got an a in maths a level, share how you revised for maths and what was effective for you, and I hope that other people will be able to watch this video and read the comments section which will give them even more knowledge on how to get an A (or A*) in their Maths A-Level!

Happy "practising" (I.e. revising) and I hope the revision tips, my advice, and the resources I've used has help you in some way, or has given you a new perspective!

If by any chance the real "Examsolutions" sees this video, I just want to say you helped me get into University and I want to say thank you so much! (Side note I still watch some of the videos as a uni student to help clarify things that my lecturer tried to explain in lectures ahah)


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