What 2 Weeks In a Surgery Machine Does to a MF

Описание к видео What 2 Weeks In a Surgery Machine Does to a MF

Use code "crack" for 10% off!

Buy it so I can convince them to let me make it into crack.

Please criticize this video as harshly as possible.

Mod List:

Mods used to record:
Sierra Madre Suite Windows
Dead Money - No Collar Explosion and No Poison Cloud Damage
Burning campfire redone
Corpse Equip
Glove Remove
Vera Keys Preset
Movable Bodies
Nights are Darker - Ultimate Edition
Pipboy Hider
Dead Money Keep Your Weapons
Portable Campsite
Sit Anywhere
The Groovatron NV
Veronica Hood and Robe playable
Vera Keyes Preset
Toxic cloud ordnance
The Platinum Drip
Return to the Sierra Madre
Hoover dam Jets restored
Elijah Race Preset
No Weapon Confiscation
Christine Race Preset
Better Archimedes II V

Gameplay mods:
5x faster waiting v2
another millenia
Better smoke and ballistics 120
Weapons of the New Millenia
Easy hacking/ unlocking
Fallout Mod Manager
Faster Semi-Auto Fire Rate (YUP)
FOOK-Gun Runners Arsenal Hotfix
FOV Slider
High-res Chems and health
FOOK-Gun Runners Arsenal Hotfix
Hit - Millenia Animations - Part 1
Hit - P90 Anim Set
Hit's Anims - Season 1
Hit's Anims - Season 2
Hit's Anims - Season 3
HQ Dust Storm FX
Immersive Recoil 2.0
Interior Lighting Overhaul
ISControl Enabler and Ironsights adjuster (now ESPless)
JohnnyGuitar NVSE
kNVSE Animation Plugin
New Vegas Stutter Remover
NV Compatibility Skeleton
NVAC - New Vegas Anti Crash
OneTweak for FNV
Rich Traders
The Someguy Series
Sounds of the new Millenia (and friends)
SPECIAL Implants Unlocked
Sprint Mod
The Mod Configuration Menu
The Strip Open
The Weapon Mod Menu
Twice As Fast VATS
UIO - User Interface Organizer
Weapon Mesh Improvement Mod
Weapon Retexture Project - WRP
Increased Weapon Jamming
Weapons of the New Millenia
Yukichigai Unofficial Patch - YUP


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