
Описание к видео ‪@iva_hellock‬

▼【Song Title】
恋愛裁判 (Love Trial, a.k.a. Ren'ai Saiban)

▼【Original Producer(s)】
40mP (music, lyrics)
ZimuinG (piano)
mao (bass)
[TEST] (guitar)
Shobon (drums, percussion)
   • 【初音ミク】 恋愛裁判 Love Trial 【オリジナルMV】  

Mixed & composed with vocal samples of ‪@iva_hellock‬
By ‪@KumazakiNori‬

▼【VRM Model】
Version: Iva Hellock 07.242.H05b
By ‪@KumazakiNori‬

▼【Model Original Design】

By Seto (Motion & Facial Conversion)
SEGA (Original Motion)
Minmode (Scripts)

▼【Choreographer & Dancer】
By SEGA (Motion Originator)

By anonRipper
   • [GUMI Synthesizer V Cover] 恋愛裁判 / Lov...  
Originated by SEGA

By SAB64
Original Source Filmmaker models by 8Yaron8.
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney and all related characters, settings, objects, etc. (C) Capcom.

Lighting Setup by Kumazaki Nori
Rendered with VRM Live Viewer.

Many thanks to all the creators mentioned above for making their digital assets or content available, which ultimately contributed to the fruition of this video.

Kindly contact me if there is any incomplete information of credits.

#ivahellock #vrmliveviewer #vtuberen #vtuber #vtuber3d #renaisaiban


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