Problem starting the fogging machine

Описание к видео Problem starting the fogging machine

problem starting the fogging machine, let's look at the video, the problem with the initial starter is. you need to pay attention to the position of the membrane, make sure the air connection pipe is not leaking, the carburetor is clean from sand, make sure there are no blockages, the battery must be electrically strong, the membrane functions as a cover and air opener, make sure the membrane plate is installed correctly, because the membrane is not installed correctly, the engine is difficult to start.
masalah menyalakan mesin fogging, mari kita simak videonya, yang menjadi masalah pada stater awal yaitu. perlu di perhatikan posisi membran, pipa sambungan udara pastikan tidak bocor, karburator dalam keadaan bersih dari pasir, pastikan tidak ada sumbatan, batre harus kuat listrik, membran berfungsi sebagai penutup dan pembuka udara, pastikan plat membran benar pemasangan, sebab membran tidak benar pemasangan, mesin sulit untuk di stater.


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