Military medical officers from NATO member nations take part in 2024 CIOMR

Описание к видео Military medical officers from NATO member nations take part in 2024 CIOMR

The 2024 Interallied Confederation of Medical Reserve Officers (CIOMR) mid-winter meeting was held at NATO HQ in Brussels, Belgium, from Jan. 30 to Feb. 4, 2024. CIOMR was founded in Brussels in 1948 by Belgium, France and the Netherlands. Nowadays, the reserve officer associations of most NATO countries are members. Meetings are held twice a year in conjunction with the Confédération Interalliée des Officiers de Réserve (CIOR). Traditionally, CIOMR holds its mid-winter meeting in February in Brussels and the Summer Congress in July or August in one of the member countries. At meetings, medical officers across NATO member countries come together to both foster collaboration and learn and discuss topical subjects and doctrinal innovations. (U.S. Army Reserve video by Staff Sgt. Christopher Hernandez)


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