Severe storm spawns multiple tornadoes - Lugar family story

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Severe weather — with reports of tornadoes on the ground in the lakes region — hit the area late afternoon Wednesday, June 12, and continued into the night.

There were reports of trees down, power lines and power poles down, roads blocked by large fallen trees and property damage. There were reports of boats flipped over, campers overturned and damage to buildings and vehicles. A snowplow was pushing debris off Highway 6. Crow Wing County Sheriff Eric Klang said as of Wednesday night there were reports of minor injuries but no fatalities.

The Lugar family, originally from Iowa, came together in Minnesota’s lake-studded central woods from multiple locations, including Alaska and Illinois. They watched the storm come in over the lake, with their attention drawn to swirling clouds.

Drew Lugar started taking videos with his phone. The clouds seemed to extend to the tree tops. There were occasional flashes of lightning and rumblings of thunder and sparse pea-sized hail. They sprinted back to the cabin as heavy rain and hail appeared to come down in sheets across the lake turning what had been a calm lake into turbulent whitewater.

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