Aggressive Chess Engine Game, Wahoo 4.0.0 vs Chess.cpp 4.0, Watch and Learn Chess

Описание к видео Aggressive Chess Engine Game, Wahoo 4.0.0 vs Chess.cpp 4.0, Watch and Learn Chess

A high-quality tactical chess game played by the chess engines Wahoo 4.0.0 and Chess.cpp 4.0. Reti Opening, Anglo-Slav Variation, Capablanca Variation. Whether you're a seasoned grandmaster or just starting your chess journey, this video offers engaging gameplay to elevate your chess understanding and skills. Explore opening theory, midgame tactics, endgame maneuvers, and more as Stockfish demonstrates its prowess on the board. Subscribe now to elevate your chess game to new heights with Stockfish 16.1 as your guide! In a riveting chess match powered by the engines, strategic prowess meets relentless calculation. As the game unfolds, the engines meticulously analyze each position, considering countless moves and counter-moves with its advanced AI algorithms. Its tactical brilliance shines through as it navigates through complex positions, optimizing its evaluation function to exploit every opportunity. Subscribe for more!
• PGN:
[Event "Brilliant Chess (YouTube Channel)"]
[Site "   / @chessenginegames  "]
[Date "2024.07.24"]
[Round "Subscribe!"]
[White "Wahoo 4.0.0"]
[Black "Chess.cpp 4.0"]
[Result "0-1"]
[ECO "A12"]
[Opening "Reti Opening, Anglo-Slav Variation, Capablanca Variation"]
[PlyCount "132"]
1. Nf3 d5 2. c4 c6 3. b3 Nf6 4. Bb2 Bg4 5. e3 e6 6. Be2 Bd6 7. h3 Bh5 8. g4 Bg6 9. g5 Ne4 10. Bxg7 Rg8 11. Bh6 dxc4 12. bxc4 Qa5 13. Kf1 Nd7 14. d3 Be5 15. Nd4 Nd6 16. Nb3 Qc7 17. d4 Bh8 18. N1d2 Nf5 19. h4 Nxh6 20. gxh6 Nf6 21. Bf3 a5 22. Nc5 O-O-O 23. Rc1 Nd7 24. Na4 f5 25. c5 f4 26. Nc4 fxe3 27. Nd6+ Kb8 28. fxe3 Rdf8 29. h5 Bf5 30. Ke1 Rg3 31. Qe2 Bd3 32. Qxd3 Rfxf3 33. Kd2 Rxe3 34. Qxe3 Rxe3 35. Kxe3 e5 36. d5 Nxc5 37. Ne8 Qe7 38. Nxc5 Qg5+ 39. Ke2 Qg2+ 40. Ke3 Qg3+ 41. Ke2 e4 42. Rhe1 Bb2 43. Rb1 cxd5 44. Kd1 Qf2 45. a3 b6 46. Re2 Qg1+ 47. Re1 Qd4+ 48. Ke2 bxc5 49. Rf1 Ka7 50. Rbd1 Qc4+ 51. Ke3 Be5 52. Rf8 Qc3+ 53. Ke2 d4 54. Re1 d3+ 55. Kf1 d2 56. Rf7+ Ka6 57. Nc7+ Bxc7 58. Rd1 Qc4+ 59. Kg1 Qxf7 60. Rxd2 e3 61. Re2 Qf3 62. Rxe3 Qxe3+ 63. Kf1 Qd2 64. a4 Bg3 65. Kg1 Qh2+ 66. Kf1 Qf2# 0-1
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• This channel shows chess games played by the best chess engines in the world.
• Watch high-quality tactical chess games played by top engines like Stockfish, Velvet, Viridithas, and more.
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