Sad Madona - l'hiver dans le corps (vocal cover + fan video)

Описание к видео Sad Madona - l'hiver dans le corps (vocal cover + fan video)

A nice song by an obscure French artists I appreciate it. Glad to be in touch with the man behind Sad Madona and I figure that I may as well insert my own vocals into his song (hopefully in a way that's also appreciated). Apologies for the shaky footage; the area was shot in the past with an older camera that has inferior stabilization. Ignore the video. If you like the song, support the artist:

Original song and video
   • l'hiver dans le corps  

depuis que t'es parti
vers des mondes invisibles
le ciel qui s'assombrit
pleure toute la nuit

et j'attendrai encore
que tu me couvres d'or
avec les feuilles mortes
et l'hiver dans le corps


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