Battalion - Tyrant of Evil [EP] (2015)

Описание к видео Battalion - Tyrant of Evil [EP] (2015)

Band: Battalion
Album: Tyrant of Evil
Country: Brazil


1.Tyrant of Evil
2.Hell Razor
3.Battalion of Metal
4.Valley of the Dead
5.Fighting for the Glory
6.Final Battle
7.Soldiers from the Shadows


Fabiano Barbosa - Drums
Marcelo Fagundes - Vocals, Bass
Álvaro Santana Junior - Guitars

Recorded and produced at Audio Works Studio by Battalion and André Fabian.

Facebook:   / battalionofmetal  
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NWOTHM Full Albums will try to gather the best of Old School Heavy Metal albums by the bands of the new generation. We do not intend to cause harm to the bands and their music, only to advertise it. If any band or label don't want to be in our channel, just ask and we will take the video out.

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