SXSW, Secure Surveillance, Privacy's Future and the Data Goldmine: Michelle Giuda

Описание к видео SXSW, Secure Surveillance, Privacy's Future and the Data Goldmine: Michelle Giuda

This generation has a right and responsibility to mold the tech landscape. This isn’t a spectator sport, your participation is crucial to advancing the practice of Tech Diplomacy.

What does that mean? We need technologists working in national security, business leaders savvy in geopolitics, innovators adapting to global competition, and citizen leaders speaking up about tech governance.

The Krach Institute for Tech Diplomacy at Purdue took this message to SXSW where CEO of Tech Diplomacy, Michelle Giuda spoke with Sam Jaddi, CIO at ADT, about secure surveillance. Michelle joined a roundtable discussion on advancing freedom with the Australian Strategic Policy Institute and caught up with Bloomberg to discuss artificial intelligence and how TikTok remains a national security risk.


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