Claber Aquadue Duplo Water Timer Guide

Описание к видео Claber Aquadue Duplo Water Timer Guide

Watch the full product guide for the Claber Aquadue Duplo Timer for garden irrigation systems. The video includes key information on features and correct programing.

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What is required. Nine volt alkaline battery.

Cleaning the filter. The timer is protected by a wire mesh filter that ensures long lasting nad trouble free operation. To clean it, simply unscrew the ring nut, remove the filter from its seat, and wash it under running water.

Installing the timer. Screw the timer on to the water tap, and fully tighten the ring nut (only by hand). No tools are required. Connect the hose to the fitting provided, and then to the timer.

Fitting the battery. Press in the two side buttons, open the timer unit, and connect one nine volt alkaline battery. Use only a new battery, and replace it at the beginning of the season every year. Fit the battery in the pocket, and the cover back into place with light pressure. When connecting the battery, the display turns on, the valve opens for two seconds, and the timer clock will be automatically set to zero. Remember to turn on the water tap.

Daily programming. The timer operates two independent lines; A and B, and is programmed using just three buttons, with the data shown on a large display. Press enter, and then use the forward and back arrow keys to set the current time. Confirm the time, for example 10:42 by pressing enter. Press forward to display program one on line A, press enter, and then use the forward and back arrow keys to set the start time/open, for example five o'clock. Press enter to confirm the setting. Press the forward arrow key a second time to display the closing time. Press enter, and then use the forward and back arrow keys to set the closing time, confirming again with enter, for example 5:20. To set program two on line B, press the forward arrow key, and proceed as for program one. Follow the same steps for programs three and five on line A, and four and six on line B.

Weekly programming. Press the forward arrow key to display weekly programming. This function is the same for both lines. Day one coincides with the day on which the first watering program is set, for example Thursday. Press enter, and select the days on which watering is to be skipped. This is done by positioning the cursor with the forward or back arrow keys, and pressing enter to cancel the days selected, for example 2; Friday, 4; Sunday, and 6; Tuesday. To quit the weekly programming page, position the cursor under exit with the forward arrow key, and press enter.

Manual function. Press forward to display the manual programming. Press enter. Pressing the back button, the timer valve A opens, and pressing the forward button, the valve closes. To quit the manual function on line A, press enter. Press forward to select the valve B.
This function is useful for watering plants when required without deleting the programs already set. In anycase, the valve will close automatically after fifteen minutes.

View programs. To display the stored programs any time, press the forward key button.

Rain sensor. The timer can also be connected to the Claber Rain Sensor, which suspends the watering program automatically in case of rain, and resumes it when the weather turns fine again. Simply connect the sensor lead to the socket provided, removing the factory installed jumper. No tools are required.

Protection in winter. At the end of the warm season, and before the first winter frosts, disconnect the timer from the tap, remove the battery, and store the timer indoors sheltered from freezing temperatures and damp. This will ensure the timer remains as good as new for many springs and summers to come.


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