ESO How to Farm Companion Gear Guide (Examples and Comprehensive Discussion)

Описание к видео ESO How to Farm Companion Gear Guide (Examples and Comprehensive Discussion)

Developers on Companions:

Companions are non-player characters who can aid you on your adventures throughout Tamriel. Once called to your side, these stalwart allies will assist you both in and out of combat. Fighting alongside your companion and taking actions they approve of will improve their effectiveness and allow you to build rapport, respectively.
If you have access to the Blackwood Chapter, you can unlock two companions through completing associated quests in the Blackwood zone.
Bastian is found in the Deepscorn Hollow objective along the southwest coast of Blackwood
Mirri is found in the Doomvault Vulpinaz objective in north Blackwood
Once either objective is completed, the respective Companion collectible will be granted.
Combat Level
Companions are level 1 when unlocked, with a limited set of ability bar slots and a maximum potential level of 20.
Companions level up via experience gained with your character directly from combat.
Experience increasing effects such as holiday bonuses and consumable boosters applied to your character will provide an indirect benefit to the companion as well.
As companions gain combat levels, their health and overall power (which affects weapon and spell damage) increases automatically, additional ability bar slots unlock, and more class abilities become available. This includes an Ultimate slot and ability, which unlock at combat level 20.
Skill Lines
Companions have access to several skill lines, each with associated abilities. Most companion skill lines have 3 active abilities which can be acquired through leveling up of that skill line.
Companion abilities do not require skill points to unlock and do not rank up or morph over time.
Class Skill lines increase with the combat level of the companion.
Weapon skill lines increase through combat experience based on the equipped weapon(s).
Armor skill lines increase through combat experience based on the equipped weight of the armor on the companion.
Guild skill lines increase through completing specific solo daily quests associated with the guild, for the active companion.
Racial skill lines do not include active abilities and are immediately applied based on the race of the companion.
Each companion unlocks with some progress in skill lines based on their background, as well as with multiple combat abilities pre-slotted so they are immediately combat ready. These may be changed as desired.
Rapport with companions begins at cordial, based on the introductory quest experience and may go up and down over time, based on your actions with the active companion.
All companions have strong personal preferences which you can learn about through dialogue and experimentation in the world. As rapport increases or falls, various thresholds will be met, with corresponding changes in the companion’s dialogue with you.
At higher tiers of rapport, the companion will be inclined to share personal information with you and ask you for your assistance with associated quests.
At lower tiers of rapport, the companion may choose to part ways with you for a certain amount of time.
Rapport adjustments are displayed in real time in the loot stream and have limitations on how often they can be triggered for both positive and negative rapport events.
Companion equipment
Is distinct from player gear with no overlap between them. Companion gear unlocks with a set of untraited white equipment based on their background.
Bastian begins wearing Medium Armor and a Destruction Staff while Mirri starts off with Light Armor and a Bow.
Companion equipment does not include level, cannot be enchanted, does not require repairs and does not include an inherent style appearance, but instead inherits the style of the companion it’s applied to.
White companion equipment can be purchased from Weaponsmith, Woodworker, Armorer, Leatherworker, and Tailor merchants throughout the world, allowing you to customize your companion role accordingly.
Fine (green), superior (blue) and epic (purple) quality companion equipment with traits are obtained from monster drops throughout the world, particularly from bosses.
This equipment can be traded so it can be bought and sold on the market.
Equipment above white quality also comes with companion-centric traits:
Quickened (Cooldown Reduction)
Prolific (Ultimate Generation)
Focused (Critical Strike Chance)
Shattering (Penetration)
Aggressive (Damage Done)
Soothing (Healing Done)
Augmented (Ability Buff and Debuff Duration)
Bolstered (Reduce Damage Taken)
Vigorous (Max Health)
Quest and Rewards
In addition to the Blackwood quest objective which introduces and unlocks the respective companions, each companion has two associated personal side quests which will become available to you once a sufficient rapport has been established.
Completing the second companion quest will unlock a houseguest collectible of the companion, allowing them to be placed and utilized similarly to other houseguest collectibles


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