Toilet Chronicles - All Achievements + Secrets

Описание к видео Toilet Chronicles - All Achievements + Secrets

Imagine you have to go to the toilet at a party in 2008 and there are several ways to get out of there.

Achievements / All Endings

00:00 Intro
00:34 (1/12) Dont try that again
01:10 (0/12) You left the restroom with no answers
02:01 (2/12) Bruh
04:10 (3/12) You are permanently banned from this restroom
04:37 (4/12) Your partner is dead
08:42 (5/12) You did an oopsie
09:08 (6/12) You got crushed by a tentacle
14:05 (7/12) You got burned
14:27 (8/12) You have been gnomed
15:26 (9/12) You tried your neighbor
16:51 (10/12) You slipped on a banana peel
18:08 (11/12) You are alone
22:31 (12/12) You are not alone
24:07 Sectret (1/3) Captain Ahab
28:31 Sectret (2/3) You did a thing
29:01 Sectret (3/3) You did a thing twice
29:32 Outro

Game Info

Game: Toilet Chronicles
Developer: Madi Abdykarimov
Publisher: Bomi Games
Video Quality: 1080p
Recorded with NVIDIA GeForce Experience


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