Why Did This Man Get Crushed? The Untold Story of Qaroon | Mufti Menk

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Why Did This Man Get Crushed? The Untold Story of qaroon

Speaker: Mufti MenkIslamic Motivational Story
Motivational Speech Islam
Moral Islamic Stories In English
Motivational Islamic Quotes
Islamic Motivational Speech In English

Qaroon's downfall occurred because of his pride and refusal to acknowledge that his wealth was a blessing from Allah. He believed that his wealth was solely the result of his own knowledge and efforts, denying any divine involvement. He also oppressed others, hoarded his wealth, and refused to give charity or help those in need.

Allah punished Qaroon for his arrogance and ingratitude. The Quran mentions that Qaroon, along with his wealth and his palace, was swallowed by the earth. This event served as a powerful reminder of the consequences of pride, greed, and disbelief in Allah's blessings.

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