Tier 9 New Battleship Navarin | World of Warships Blitz

Описание к видео Tier 9 New Battleship Navarin | World of Warships Blitz

According to Blitz; Navarin is Izmail class battleship and built in 1915 produced by the Obukhov factory.

The ship has Precise Aiming System level 3 that increases main gun accuracy by %45 for 20 seconds for 3 pieces and Air Defense Alert level 1 increases large caliber Anti aircraft damage by %75. Like many other Soviet battleships it comes with an extra damage control kit, so you have one additional damage control kit on this battleship.

This historical camouflage is looking like an original army camouflage in various armies. I think it’s also looking well. Very suitable for a warship and I found it quite better than interesting anime characters.

Historical camouflage has good skills especially it gives you additional four percentage for main battery fire range, this range we also give you relatively better dispersion and for the third skill it gives you secondary battery fire range additional 6% percentage. This is also very useful, as you can see on the engagements
The missions are quite easy tasks to complete.

Elite ship bonus I preferred Elite Gun Operator operator as you know damage control center is giving you 15 percentage fire and flooding resistance, which is not working as 15 percentage. Ans most of these damage control boostings, bonuses are not working as expected. It’s taking the percentage of the percentage which is mentioned before on this community. so it’s always good in such circumstances to continue with main batterybreload, range and dispersion and it gives you seven percentage main battery traverde speed is also fine.

Although they are not identical ships I compared Navarin battleship with Sovetsky Soyuz. like other Soviet battleships it has got a very good damage reduction which is 18 percentage. It’s a little smaller than Sovetsky Soyuz and has got little less ship health points.

the main guns has the same caliber for 406 mm but has got different H.E. and AP damage. Also the fire chance percentage changes for the auto secondary and the main secondary are working pretty good.

Soviet battleships known with no good acceleration, but Navarin battleship has relatively better acceleration than Sovetsky Soyuz. Still not enough for a good kite and dodging but a little bit better.

Navarin is almost symmetrically inverse of Vladivostok's gun layout. However, while all ships in the Soviet battleship tech line are equipped with triple turrets after Tier 6, Navarin has all quadruple turrets. This is what makes Navarin unique. The immense firepower of the quadruple turrets is the biggest trump card that Navarin offers. #wowsb #worldofwarshipsblitz #warshipsblitz #worldblitz #lordjim #gaming #worldofwarshipblitz #wowblitz #battleship #worldofwarship #navarin #ussrbattleship


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