Leo and Tig 🦁 The Unexpected - New animated movie - Kedoo ToonsTV

Описание к видео Leo and Tig 🦁 The Unexpected - New animated movie - Kedoo ToonsTV

Playing the game "find by scent" little friends unwittingly offended Cuba, who does not have such a keen sense of smell as the kittens. Offended Cuba goes into the forest. But the unexpected news that a terrible Red Wolf appeared in their land, makes Leo and Tig forget about games and rush to find Cuba. But in the forest, friends themselves almost fall into the predator’s clutches, and only thanks to the ingenuity and courage of Cuba they manage to deceive the Red Wolf and escape.
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A leopard cub Leo and Tiger cub Tig live together in the forest of Primorsky Krai. Leo and Tig are best friends and adventure seekers. They investigate natural phenomena, solve quizzes, play together and help others.
With Leo and Tig, we will discover the magical side of nature with all its wonders, and a forest spirit that helps those who believe in magic.
"Leo and Tig" is very interesting animated series for kids. If you like The Lion King, you will like it.

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