Turn The Page - Iron Maiden - Killers 1981 Official Tour Programme - The House Of The Beast (THOTB)

Описание к видео Turn The Page - Iron Maiden - Killers 1981 Official Tour Programme - The House Of The Beast (THOTB)

The third video in my series called ‘Turn The Page’ showcasing the second official tour programme for Iron Maiden's legendary Killers tour.

This series will continue to upload tour programmes for a variety of hard rock & heavy metal bands with a focus on Maiden as often as possible. This is simply for fun and fans to enjoy watching the pages of music history be turned and for their own personal reference.

This programme has some great photos of the band, the Killer Krew and some behind the scenes photos from that golden era. Towards the back page it closes with some excellent and now highly sought after official band merchandise. The back pages also feature A5 adverts for both Samson (feat Bruce Dickinson) and Trust (feat Nicko McBrain) who would both later go on to join the band in late 81 and 83. For the technical buffs the band also used Picato strings on their guitars to give it that crunchy sound.

I hope you all enjoyed this upload. If you love Maiden then please do Subscribe and don’t forget to click the ‘Alarm Bell’ icon to be notified of upcoming videos. I promise that “You Ain’t Seen Nothing Yet” as more Maiden videos are planned; but in the meantime take care of yourselves, look after each other and Up The Irons!.

You can catch Iron Maiden on their current Future Past Tour 2023:

Find me at:
  / themistribox  
  / thehouseofthebeast  
  / themistribox  
  / the_mistri_box  


Available to Buy:
If you like Eddie then don’t forget you can buy Eddie prints from Derek Riggs Stuff:   / derek-riggs-stuff-395023647233831  
Alternatively email Kim Darville at: [email protected]
Derek Riggs Website - http://derek.server311.com/derekriggs...

These videos are for informative purposes only and are not endorsed in any way by Phantom Music Management Ltd, Warner Music International, Iron Maiden Holdings or the band directly.
They have been created to enjoy and further explore the making of one of the greatest heavy metal bands in history while also aiming to preserve the bands legacy for generations to come.
These videos are a combination of ongoing research by myself and help from some of the best Headbangers, Earthdogs, Rivet Heads, Hell Rats and Metal Maniacs everywhere!
These videos are not the final word on the band and their achievements but will hopefully serve to inform and update the millions of fans around the globe whilst also dispelling any misinformation and myths that have followed the band since their inception.
While every attempt has been made to credit the owner for all imagery and footage provided (You guys deserve it). It has not always been possible to source the person/ persons responsible for the work. Apologies in advance to anyone I have missed.


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