Indigenous Worldview 🌍 (what is it, and how is it different)

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Indigenous Worldview 🌍 (what is it, and how is it different)
🔥 S A C R E D M E D I C I N E S & S M U D G I N G G U I D E / /

Every culture, background, and society is unique and different. They each have their own sets of beliefs, values, and perspectives on the world. THAT is what worldview means!

As you can imagine, the Indigenous worldview is drastically different from what YOUR worldview might be. That is because Indigenous people have completely different histories, teachings, practices, beliefs, and values than the Western worldview.

There are a few key things to know and understand about Indigenous Worldview, so let’s talk through the basics.

#indigenousworldview #nativeworldview #westernworldview #indigenous

🦅 W H A T I S Y O U R S P I R I T A N I M A L ? / /

🔥 M E D I C I N E W H E E L P O S T E R / /

🎥 C H E C K O U T T H E S E V I D E O S / /

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⭐️ F E A T U R E D P R O D U C T S / /




🏹 A B O U T T R I B A L T R A D E / /
Our indigenous lifestyle products including moccasins in Canada can be found by visiting Tribal Trade Co in Curve Lake First Nation or ordered online at is a native-owned business offering moccasins, mukluks, accessories, native gifts, and medicinal smudging products.

🤗 C O N N E C T W I T H U S O N S O C I A L / /
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