
Описание к видео 「香港遺美」版主林曉敏與演員黃澤鋒一家參加歷史生態遊

粉嶺舊球場之歷史生態遊獲得大衆市民的熱烈喜愛和支持,自然優美的生態環境及歷史悠久的古老建築吸引了不少家庭和歷史迷前來參觀,其中包括演員 #黃澤鋒 一家及「 #香港遺美 」版主林曉敏。😍

黃澤鋒身兼多職,不但是資深演藝人,更是游泳及泰拳教練,放假時會和太太陳麗麗及女兒黃熙恩( #小黃妃 )外出享受親子溫馨時光,而參加歷史生態遊正是他的最佳選擇!💪🏻 澤鋒坦言香港地少人多,加上氣候的影響,能看到如此健壯的百年古樹非常難得,而粉嶺舊球場住有赤麂及豹貓等稀有物種,其豐富生態實在令他大開眼界!🤩 另外,他亦很高興可以帶妃妃走進大自然,近距離欣賞不同種類的花草及小動物,滿足她對外界的好奇心,對她的身心發展亦有很大幫助。


The Ecological and Heritage Tours of the Old Course at Fanling have been warmly received and supported by the general public. The scenic and natural environment and ancient buildings have attracted many families and enthusiasts to visit, including the family of actor Mr Brian Wong Chak Fun and the owner of "Hong Kong Reminiscence" page, Miss Lam Hiuman. 😍

Brian is not only a professional actor but also a swimming and Muay Thai coach. During the holidays, he will hang out with his wife Chen Li-li Chen and daughter Fayefaye to enjoy the valuable parent-child time - and our tour is his best choice! 💪🏻 As Hong Kong is densely populated and very developed, he believes it is very rare to see such healthy and strong century-old trees. Fanling Old Course is home to mammal species such as barking deers and leopard cats, and its rich ecology really opened his eyes! He is also very happy to take Fayefaye into nature, learning to appreciate different kinds of flowers and plants up close, to satisfy her curiosity about the outside world, and also greatly help her physical and mental development.🤩

As a photography enthusiast, Hiuman often explores things and objects left behind by today's society and captures the ancient buildings in the city and the nostalgic feelings. Through this tour, she can take a look at the oldest 18-hole championship golf course in Greater China, and even take pictures of this precious scenery from multiple angles, including the distinctive Grade III listed Halfway House and the critically endangered Chinese Swamp Cypress trees!🌲

#香港哥爾夫球會 #高爾夫球 #香港高爾夫球 #香港運動 #粉嶺舊球場 #歷史生態遊 #親子好去處 #大自然 #HKGC #Golf #HongKongGolf #HongKongSports #OldCourse #EcologicalandHeritageTour #Nature


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