Devonian brachiopods hill - Part 4

Описание к видео Devonian brachiopods hill - Part 4

#paleontology #fossilhunting #fossils

At the end of sumer i had planned few days fossil hunting trip in poland. Mission was to visit multiple fossil location from different periods. Like Jurrasic, Devonian, Permian, Cambrian, Carboniferous and Miocene.
This is the third day of the trip, we all did get multiple fossil specimens, lots of brachiopods and corals from the devonian period which is roughly 360-420milion years old. It was a great adventure and i will repeat it next year! Just maybe in czech republic? Who knows!

Fallow me on social media for more content:
  / amberscapeofficial  
  / amberscapeofficial  

Check out part1 of this trip!
   • Devonian trilobites cliffs - Part 1  


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