Diastasis Recti Exercises - From a doctor of physical therapy

Описание к видео Diastasis Recti Exercises - From a doctor of physical therapy

Diastasis recti is a common condition that develops during pregnancy where the abdominal muscle layer in the front of your abdomen gets stretched to the point of splitting. After childbirth, there are many great exercises you can do to help heal this separation. In this video, we discuss the diastasis condition and share the best exercises to help you heal.

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Not sure if you have a diastasis condition? Check out this video for instruction on how you can check whether you have one or not:    • How To Check For Diastasis Recti  
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What is a diastasis recti? Diastasis recti is a separation of your anterior abdominal wall. There’s a muscle called your rectus abdominis that goes from the bottom of you ribs to the top of the front of your pelvis. This is your “6 pack” muscle and the primary mover in motions where trunk flexion is required (i.e crunches and sit-ups).

There are essentially two halves to this muscle that are separated vertically by the linea alba– a thin connective tissue similar to a tendon. This small tendon separation is the “weakest link” in the front part of the abdominal wall and can be torn with excessive stresses placed upon it.

This problem tends to occur more in multiparous (more than one pregnancy) women, those over the age of 35, “multiples” pregnancy (twins or more), high birth weight pregnancies, and even those who perform high-intensity abdominal exercises during the first trimester.

✅ HOW TO CHECK FOR DIASTASIS RECTI ABDOMINAL SEPARATION:    • How To Check Diastasis Recti Abdomina...  

Home treatment for diastasis recti: If you are currently pregnant and have a diastasis recti I am truly sorry- there are no exercises that will help you until you deliver.. Unfortunately it’s a situation
you’ve just gotta ride out.

There are, however, some wonderful braces/bands that you can purchase that will make your experience INCREDIBLY more comfortable. These are designed to support your growing belly and take a lot of the load off of your abdomen.

Unfortunately there’s just not much you can do until Baby gets here, but once he/she shows up these are some great exercises that have been proven to greatly reduce the amount of the separation and the effects of the diastasis.

The right core strengthening exercises have been proven to mitigate the effects of this injury as well as reduce the size of the diastasis itself. These exercises are designed to increase abdominal strength without putting direct pressure in the injured rectus abdominis muscle.

The most important muscle to work in the treatment of diastasis recti is the transverse abdominis (TA). This muscle is the one you contract as you “draw in” and pull your belly button towards your spine.

The first exercise presented in this routine is focusing on teaching you how to correctly contract this TA muscle and then all of the other exercises stem from properly contracting this area. As you become more comfortable with one exercise, progress on to the next level until that one, too, becomes easier/more comfortable.

Diastasis recti is actually a very manageable condition if treated correctly. The most effective treatment is increasing strength in the abdominal/core wall while minimizing contraction of the rectus abdominis muscle. Give this routine try and please feel free to contact me with any questions you may have.



Favorite Resistance Band Loop Set: https://urlgeni.us/amzn/smallresistan...

Treatment Table I use: https://urlgeni.us/amzn/massagetable

Favorite Exercise Mat: https://urlgeni.us/amzn/drjaredexerci...

Home Dumbbell Set: https://urlgeni.us/amzn/drjareddumbbells

Best Resistance Band Set: https://urlgeni.us/amzn/drjaredresist...



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