FAIL-SAFE - Dom DeLuise

Описание к видео FAIL-SAFE - Dom DeLuise

This is the one role that I'll always remember Dom DeLuise for. It's one of his rare dramatic roles -- a bit part in Sidney Lumet's 1964 cold war thriller, FAIL-SAFE. His anguished take as the Air Force Sergeant (Collins) ordered to give his Soviet counterparts the technical secrets toward defeating our Hustler bombers on their mistaken bomb run was something very special in a film full of great performances. It was exceptional because, for someone not formally trained, he masterfully conveyed the character's conflict with his struggled delivery of the information while in an impossibly tense situation. When his character is done and sits down, you can clearly see the suffering he'll have to live with from that moment forward. What he does with this small role was nothing short of amazing. He will be missed. May he rest in peace.


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