No More Madworld (Travis Touchdown VS Jack Cayman) | TehGM Scores

Описание к видео No More Madworld (Travis Touchdown VS Jack Cayman) | TehGM Scores

OST / Rap Battle between Travis Touchdown from No More Heroes and Jack Cayman from Madworld.

Content Warning: Adult Language



The name’s Jack Cayman, I’m a known slayer
In Deathwatch, I’m the number one player
So don’t step to me unless you wanna get killed
If you’re itching for a fight, I’ll be the test of your skills
You’re pissing me off, I’ll shut your fuckin’ lips
With a blow from my chainsaw and a shotgun kiss
I’m the king of murder and I’ll grant you one wish:
You get one shot kid, don’t miss
You’re soulless and hopeless and we’re gonna throw fists
So know this and hope and wish for this to end blowless
This feeling of madness and rage inside persists
Leaving all around another name on my list
In this mad world all I see is red
And I have no empathy for the dead
So piss with your laser sword and little gems,
Because I don’t help people, I kill them


Oh please, your threats are harmless
I’ll cut your fuckin’ chainsaw, leave another man armless
I’m number 1 in rank, you can’t compete with me
You’re just another number that I need to beat
You can’t fuckin’ touch me, don’t even try
Whenever I meet someone, they die
So come on baby, I’m itching for more
After all, this is what I live for!
It’s gametime, baby! Don’t let me down
I’ve been itching for a fight since I got this crown
It’s just you and me, not this world of renown
And only one of us is gonna up and drown
I rock the beam katana, I’m bringing back the drama
And I have no empathy for the dead
So don’t fuckin’ get in my way or I’ll cut your head off, fuckhead


What’s another corpse on my mind
One of us is gonna die tonight
This kind of shit makes me feel alive
So grab your weapon and bike, let’s ride

What’s another corpse on my mind
One of us is gonna die tonight
This kind of shit makes me feel alive
So grab your weapon and bike, let’s ride


Remorse is a feeling I forgot long ago,
The pain I’ve endured is something I know
So don’t pretend to know death, you bitch
Or in the end you’re gonna get your death wish
I’m tired of this fighting, I just want it to end
But I can’t in good conscience call you a friend
So I must kill, for the sake of the world
The Cayman banners will be unfurled
Let me be clear; I don’t wanna fight,
But only one of us is going home tonight,
So give me your best, let’s make it fun
I’ll show you how to be a true number 1
The soul that I have repents for its actions,
But your soul only cares for base attractions
So go ahead and try, you won’t land a single hit
Me and Sylvia both know you aren’t worth shit


You feel remorse? All I’ve got is revenge,
This feeling inside makes my saber extend,
And all of my enemies will meet their end,
And I keep clenching at my chest for a friend
But in the end I gotta be a better man
I’d know that, cuz I’ve witnessed it firsthand
I’m trying to balance my sides to be equal;
And hey, unlike you, I actually got a sequel!
Player, grab the wiimote; let’s end this brawl,
And prove who’s the most violent once and for all
Reign in your anarchy, Jack; don’t be crass;
I’m the only one who’s SUPPOSED to show my ass
The people cheer for me to beat your ass into oblivion
The raps that I’m spittin’ on you combine: labyrinthian
Unlike you I’m not controlled; I’ve got no owner,
But Jack? For you, it’s game over!


What’s another corpse on my mind
One of us is gonna die tonight
This kind of shit makes me feel alive
So grab your weapon and bike, let’s ride

What’s another corpse on my mind
One of us is gonna die tonight
This kind of shit makes me feel alive
So grab your weapon and bike, let’s ride


Thanks to 5 dollar patrons:
Jackson Palazini

Subscribe:    / @skyetv22  

Commission Pricing:

Song by: Ben T.
Recorded at my home studio
Mixed by Ben T.
Mastered by Ben T.
Thumbnail by TehGM

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