River Reclamation at it's Finest and Smallest

Описание к видео River Reclamation at it's Finest and Smallest

I know I know, it's PPL not plp
The old-timers left a lot of contaminated materials in and around the rivers they worked. California has made dredging illegal, unless you sign up as a River Reclamation private contractor.
Basically your goal is to clean up the mercury, lead and of materials left behind. The largest dredge you can use is a 4" or smaller.
The GoldiBox Dredge is a great way to get started at a very reasonable and affordable price.
In this video I try out my floating dredge that is totally self contained on the inner tube.

Music: Journey 01
Musician: Xuxiao
Music: Dirt Road Traveler
Musician: Jason Shaw
URL: https://audionautix.com
License: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/...
Music: Pop Metal
Musician: Jason Shaw
URL: https://audionautix.com
License: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/...
Music: Nickel Rock
Musician: Jason Shaw
URL: https://audionautix.com
License: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/...

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