Astellia Online CBT (EU/NA) Early Cinematic's & Tutorial Gameplay

Описание к видео Astellia Online CBT (EU/NA) Early Cinematic's & Tutorial Gameplay

Another Shutdown game that no longer exists (Edit 2022) :)

Initial Cinematic's and Gameplay from Astellia Online's CBT 1 for North America and Europe.

Footage is from my first 30 mins of gameplay, I just cut out some exploring and the character creation.

Have to say, the game performed better then I was expecting, so that's a pleasant surprise. Will keep testing it during its CBT.

My initial review for the game is a 3/5 it has potential, even if I dislike tab targeting at least the game seems to perform decent and it has a cool system in the Astels. Just put off by it being a B2P (or not being cheaper) As that will certainly make players less likely to experience this wonderful game.

Just look out for CBT Keys as some websites are still giving them away, also you can find there Twitter below:
  / astelliaonline  

Astellia Official Website:


Any Suggestions of what I should Upload? Just shoot it in Private Message or on any Video's Comments. Thanks again for watching!

Any Music used in my Channel belongs to the respective owners, I do not monetise anything that I am not allowed to, all credits are always given in the Song Part of the description.

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  / kapiheartlilly  
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PC Specs: AMD RX VEGA 56 + AMD Ryzen 5 1600 + 16 GB DDR4 RAM



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