How to Clean an HPLC Column - Reverse Flush Method

Описание к видео How to Clean an HPLC Column - Reverse Flush Method

Caring for your HPLC column might be simple, but it is exceptionally important to the health, lifetime, and productivity of your column. Your columns health can greatly affect your analysis as well.

The following video focusing solely on how to clean your HPLC column through reverse flushing. It might be time to flush your HPLC column when you're seeing high back pressure, low efficiency, or split peaks, along with the most common issue, which is particulate build-up at the head of the column. Reverse flushing your column can be done by following the steps below:

1. Take out the column and seeing how the flow direction is currently moving.

2. Go in the opposite direction at half the traditional flow rate that is currently being run on the column.

3. Once the column is flipped and reinstalled on one end, you can begin running your system with cleaning solution, which can be found in our guide in the link below.

4. Any particulates that are in your column, will be flushed out and caught by a beaker and not into the detector. Do this for about 15-20 minutes.

5. Once it is done, go in the correct flow path, install the column, and run the prodigy test mix (also known as PTM) to confirm the efficiency and pressure is back to normal conditions.

To learn more about mobile phase limitations, column storage tips, and column protection devices check out our HPLC Column Care Guide found at


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