Thermo Pro Infrared Thermometer Review TP 30

Описание к видео Thermo Pro Infrared Thermometer Review TP 30

Thermo Pro TP30 Thermometer:
Here it is, out of the package this is what it looks like and I was confused at first I'm just trying to figure out where the batteries go well if you flip this little black plastic lever down it exposes the battery compartment with the batteries in you can see that it can toggle between Fahrenheit and Celsius. with a range of -50F to 1,022 F To activate the thermometer you just pull the trigger and wherever you're pointing it is where it will take a sample of the temperature according to the manual it says 7 1/2 inches is the ideal distance from the item that you are Reading and the thermometer It also allows you to turn the laser guide on and off by pushing the same button and this is handy just in case you are taking temperatures of maybe somebody's forehead and you don't want to shine a laser in their eyes.

It also has the feature to allow you to sample the highest temperature reading the lowest temperature reading or an average and so while you're moving the thermometer around it will save the highest temperature that it's red or the lowest temperature that it's red or an average of the temperatures because not everything is exactly the same temperature at every point.

It also has a light that will turn on you can turn that on and off if you wish so that when you pull the trigger it will illuminate the backlight or it will just stay off

What's really cool about this thermometer is that it is adjustable on the emissivity and there's a page in the manual that you can read to understand what they're talking about basically some surfaces reflect heat differently than others so depending on what you were going to be sampling to get a temperature reading you will want to make the adjustments to your emissivity and it's not difficult at all to make these adjustments but once you do it then you'll know that you're getting a more accurate reading the default setting is at .95 and it goes between 0.1 and 1

In the manual it also has a chart so that you can see the material that you want to sample from and know what you should set your emissivity setting at on the on the thermometer

No I bought this specifically to test my wood fire pizza oven only fryer and if you're interested in pizza ovens at all I'll put a link in the description below to this one is awesome but I thought I'd show you different surfaces and things because if you were going to sample something like a granite countertop the manual suggest that you put a piece of masking tape on the surface and let it climb a ties and reach the temperature of the countertop and then sample on the tape you'll get a more accurate reading then you will if you went directly to the stones reflective surface

So once I got this I went around the house testing all kinds of things and I realized that each lightbulb even the LED bulbs are admitting about 100° each some slightly lower if it's an incandescent bulb it can be up above 160° so I really became conscious about having my house he did buy lightbulbs during the summer but it is a great tool to have around the house you can pointed at your walls to find cold spots or maybe you need to re-insulate behind the wall there's all kinds of applications for this.

This is around $20 thermometer obviously there are more expensive ones but this does the trick like I said there's a link in the description below if you'd like to pick it up this was not a sponsored video I was not compensated for this I actually purchased this myself and I'm doing a review so overall I am very pleased with this now if you want more videos like this go ahead and click subscribe it would be greatly appreciated if you click the thumbs up button. If you have any questions about this item let me know in the comments section below or if you went with a different thermometer I'd like to know what you got and why let me know in the comment section below on that as well thanks for watching have a great day


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