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For today's video, we're playing some modded Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 on the IW4X client with OGK and my viewers from my Twitch stream going for Search and Destroy trickshot final killcams and we hit SO many insane trickshots back to back rounds that people thought we were cheating with aimbot. Hope everyone enjoys this video and has a great rest of their day!
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OGK - / ng2ali3n
Marv - / marvunited
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WE HIT SO MANY MW2 TRICKSHOTS BACK TO BACK ROUNDS THAT PEOPLE THOUGHT WE WERE CHEATING WITH AIMBOT! feat. OGK (Live Modded Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 IW4x Trickshotting Road To A Killcam Stream Highlights with 18 Insane Trickshot Final Killcams)
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