Extinction Is A Formality | HFY | SciFi Short Stories

Описание к видео Extinction Is A Formality | HFY | SciFi Short Stories

Extinction Is A Formality

Hello this is my first post on this subreddit. Suggestions and constructive criticism is appreciated. Hope you enjoy!

High Admiral Terok Kavvik looked at the pristine blue-green planet below him from the bridge of his fleet's flagship the Rising Sun. He had been tasked by Union of Stars to clear out the native primitive sapient species called the Humans from their cradle world known as 'Dirt' or something. The Union discovered this planet when they found an archaic probe on an escape trajectory from the system. The world was a Class 10 Deathworld beyond what was thought to be possible to be inhabited by sapient species. These worlds although dangerous for their climate and fauna were highly prized for their biodiversity in medicinal and crop flora. However the Union Council soon realised the probe they intercepted belonged to an extant species of omnivorous sapients known as the humans. The council members scared by the existence of a deathworlder sapient species and not wanting the complexity of first contact unanimously voted for the extermination of the 20 billion people living on planet Dirt (Actually it's Earth but who cares) and the colony planet of Mars.

None of it really mattered to Terok. He had been given a task and he would execute it with the ruthless efficiency his fleet was famous for. As he looked down upon the planets surface he could see the hundreds of forest fires created by the primitives' nuclear weapons which had been swatted away like a fly by the point defense systems. Despite this ground combat had been ongoing for almost 2 Earth Revolutions, far too longer than the High Admiral had anticipated. These humans had remarkable stamina and endurance and could still battle after they lost entire limbs. Nevertheless as he thought about the battle a message came through from the Surface Commander."High Admiral, the final city Tokyo of the humans has fallen. The last human being on Earth is in our custody and he requests a meeting with you as his death wish."

Story by: Firebird1cool

Original story:   / oc_extinction_is_a_formality  

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